

____________________________________पत्रकारिता के जनसरोकार

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युद्ध कराने पे आमादा चैनल की सच्चाई ?

न्यायालय के एक आदेश में कहा गया है कि जब भी चैनल किसी को विशेषज्ञ बता कर पेश करे तो उसकी पहचान और उस की कारोबारी जानकारी ज़रूर बताए....
आनंद प्रधान / आजकल न्यूज मीडिया खासकर चैनलों पर छाए अंध-राष्ट्रवादी युद्धोन्माद को भड़काने में सबसे बड़ी भूमिका ‘टाइम्स नाऊ’ की है जिसपर हर रात प्राइम टाइम में एंकर-संपादक अर्नब गोस्वामी के साथ भारतीय सेना के कुछ रिटायर्ड जनरल और रक्षा विशेषज्ञ पाकिस्तान को सबक सिखाने की हुंकार भरते रहते हैं. उनकी बातचीत से ऐसा लगता है कि जैसे युद्ध के अलावा और कोई विकल्प नहीं है.

लेकिन क्या आपको मालूम है कि चैनलों और अखबारों में छाए इन जनरलों और रक्षा विशेषज्ञों में से कई के संबंध देशी-विदेशी हथियार निर्माता कंपनियों से हैं? इनमें से कई उनके लिए काम करते हैं और उनके कंसल्टेंट और एजेंट हैं. लेकिन चैनल और अखबार आपको यह सच्चाई कभी नहीं बताते हैं जो साफ़ तौर पर न सिर्फ हितों के टकराव (कनफ्लिक्ट आफ इंटरेस्ट) का मामला है बल्कि दर्शकों-पाठकों के साथ धोखा है.

ऐसे ही एक रक्षा विशेषज्ञ मारूफ रज़ा हैं जो ‘टाइम्स नाऊ’ पर लगभग बिना नागा एक स्वतंत्र रक्षा विशेषज्ञ के बतौर मौजूद रहते हैं. लेकिन चैनल उनके बारे में यह नहीं बताता कि वे और उनकी कंपनी मारूफ रज़ा एंड एसोशिएट्स कई हथियार निर्माताओं,आपूर्तिकर्ताओं और डीलरों के लिए कंसल्टेंट या प्रतिनिधि के बतौर काम करते हैं.

इस बारे में एक दर्शक ने न्यूज ब्राडकास्टर्स एसोशियेशन को शिकायत की और एन.बी.ए की जस्टिस जे.एस वर्मा के नेतृत्ववाली एन.बी.एस.ए ने इस शिकायत को सही पाया. जस्टिस वर्मा के फैसले को आप यहाँ पढ़ सकते हैं.

जागो दर्शक-पाठक, जागो !!! 

ये रहा जस्टिस वर्मा का आदेश जिस में वे कहते हैं कि टाइम्स नाव को मारूफ रज़ा को रक्षा विशेषज्ञ के रूप में पेश करते समय बताना चाहिए था कि उनका संबंध रक्षा उपकरण बनाने और बेचने वाली एक कंपनी से है। आदेश में कहा गया है कि जब भी चैनल किसी को विशेषज्ञ बता कर पेश करे तो उसकी पहचान और उस की कारोबारी जानकारी ज़रूर बताए....

Order No. 14 of 2012 - In the matter of complaint dated 8.5.12 received from Mr. Sharad Shah from Mumbai regarding participation of Mr. Maroof Raza, Strategic Defence Analyst in debates on the Tatra deal in various episodes broadcast on Times Now channel in programme titled “News Hour”. 
Summary of Order dated 25.10.2012 
A complaint dated 8.5.12 was filed by Mr. Sharad Shah from Mumbai making grievance that in the programme titled “News Hour” broadcast on Times Now news channel during the first week of April’12, which comprised debates on the Tatra trucks deals, the channel erred in failing to disclose that Mr. Maroof Raza, who was invited in such programmes/episodes as a strategic defence analyst and expert, was also engaged in a business under the name and style of M/s Maroof Raza & Associates, of which entity Mr Raza is the principal and through which entity Mr Raza acts as a consultant for foreign arms manufacturers, suppliers and dealers.

The complainant’s contention was that it was the duty of the channel to make such disclosure since in the absence thereof viewers were not in a position to correctly evaluate the views expressed by Mr Raza taking into account his business interest as well. The complainant said that in cases such as this, where there was a clear possibility of conflict between the business interests of the expert and the subject matter on which such expert was expressing his views and commenting, it was obligatory on the part of the channel to disclose the exact pre-occupation/ business interest of the expert, since only upon such disclosure would viewers be able to correctly evaluate and assess his views expressed on the subject matter as an expert. Since the complainant was not satisfied with the response received from Times Now, the matter was considered by the NBSA, in the light of versions of the parties, including the hearing given to the parties. 
Upon a careful consideration of the subject matter of the complaint and after hearing Times Now as well as Mr. Maroof Raza in their defence, the NBSA is of the opinion that in the interest of transparency and objectivity, which is a fundamental tenet of all public affairs, including news broadcasting standards, it is important for a news channel to disclose the exact credentials of panelists who appear as experts on their programmes to the extent such credentials are relevant to the subject matter of the programme. The NBSA is of the view that only when such disclosure is made would the viewer be in a position to correctly evaluate and assess the views expressed by expert panelists.

In the present case, considering the fact that Mr. Maroof Raza was expressing his opinion as an expert on military affairs in relation to the Tatra truck deal conducted by the Indian Army and on related issues, it was necessary for Times Now to have disclosed that Mr. Maroof Raza was also engaged in the business of consulting for and representing manufacturers, suppliers and dealers of military hardware and equipment under the name and style of M/s Maroof Raza & Associates, since by virtue of such business, Mr Raza’s views on the Tatra trucks deal could have been coloured by his business interests or those of his clients or potential clients. 
In this view of the matter the NBSA holds that in the facts of the present case Times Now has failed to make necessary disclosure in relation to the business interests of its expert panelist Mr Maroof Raza, which disclosure was required being a necessary concomitant of the objectivity and fairness norm contained in the NBA Code of Ethics & Broadcasting Standards and specific Guidelines.
Accordingly, the NBSA directs Times Now to ensure that in future adequate disclosure is made in relation to the business interests, credentials and circumstances of those who appear as experts and specialists on their channels – to the extent that such business interests, credentials and circumstances are relevant to the subject matter of the debate - to enable viewers to correctly evaluate and assess the opinions and views expressed by such experts and specialists on their shows.

(journalist से साभार )



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